Krita questions & answers

A painting program specifically meant for artistic creation
Question by Guest
October 19, 2021

When the stylus isn´t touching the tablet, the brush size appears to be much bigger.Sorry if it´s a stupid question, but I seriously can´t figure it out. It´s really hard to draw this way and I don´t know how to fix it. Am using a Wacom Intuos Pro.

Swati Dubey
Answer by Swati Dubey

No, it is not a stupid question. The issue you are facing with Krita and your Wacom Intuos Pro is related to software settings. You need to adjust the brush size settings in Krita or check the sensitivity settings for the tablet to fix the problem.

Question by Guest
April 11, 2017

Hello. Before I download the software, I would like to know if the this is a 32-bit version or a 64-bit version.

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

According to the application's official web page, Krita is a 64-bit tool.

Nowadays, 32-bit processors are becoming a rarity and consequently, 32-bit applications are beginning to slowly disappear as well. This is why in case the application isn't really old, whenever you don't see the version mentioned you can safely assume that you're downloading a 64-bit program.

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